

Dear Colleagues,

Our health and our safety are no laughing matters. The evidence is clear that to eliminate the risk of infection all human social contact must be avoided for some considerable time. Being effectively locked up is a grim prospect but it is the only sure way to protect ourselves and check the spread of this plague.

As if this weren’t enough, for many of us our livelihood is jeopardised. Naturally, the mechanisms for obtaining financial support or compensation are in the early stages of development but we have found two websites so far. We hope to be able to add to this list and we welcome suggestions and contributions from the membership.

This UK government site has information about eligibility for statutory sick pay and universal credit for the self-employed.

The Arts Council website states ‘that we will refocus some grant programmes to help compensate individual artists and freelancers for lost earnings. This will require further planning. It may take about ten days before we can announce the details.’

For almost exactly 35 years our association has stood for the free and copious exchange of knowledge and information and supports individuals by mutual encouragement. Heed the warnings and be patient.

AHFAP committee


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