

*Apologies for cross-posting*

Dear Colleagues,

We are delighted to annouce that registration is now open for the upcoming 5th Tourism Research Network PhD/ECR Symposium.

TouRNet 2020 -<>
Following the success of the past four editions and in response to participant feedback the 5th TouRNet PhD/ECR Symposium to be hosted by the School of Events, Tourism and Hospitality Management, Leeds Beckett University, UK.. This symposium is a gathering of PhD students and Early Career Researchers in tourism, leisure, events and hospitality, which aims to offer opportunities to;

The deadline for the call for papers (attached) is approaching and we look forward to your submissions.

Please forward this to any interested PhD student and Early Career Researchers in your institution.



Empowering the next generation of tourism scholars

5th Tourism Research Network PhD/ECR Symposium 2020

 School of Events, Tourism and Hospitality Management, Leeds Beckett University, UK

18th – 19th May 2020

Following the success of the past<> four<> editions<> and in response to participant feedback, the Tourism Research Network is happy to announce the 5th TouRNet PhD/ECR Symposium to be hosted by the School of Events, Tourism and Hospitality Management, Leeds Beckett University, UK.

What: This Symposium is a gathering of PhD students and Early Career Researchers in tourism, leisure, events and hospitality, which aims to offer opportunities to;

  *   Discuss and reflect on future professional development through a series of workshops
  *   Present research
  *   Meet and network with other PhD students, ECRs and established academics

Who: PhD research students at any stage of their research and Early Career Researchers

When: Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th May, 2020

Where: School of Events, Tourism and Hospitality Management, Leeds Beckett University, UK

Cost: £80 per person (inclusive of all refreshments, 2 buffet lunches and symposium dinner)


Keynote Speakers

[]Dr Kate Dashper is Reader and Director of Research Degrees in the School of Events, Tourism and Hospitality Management at Leeds Beckett University. Her research interests focus on gender, identity and more-than-human aspects of tourism, leisure and events. She is interested in qualitative research methods - in particular autoethnography and multispecies ethnography - as ways of trying to understand the experiences of humans in relation to and interaction with the nonhuman world. She is an associate editor of Annals of Leisure Research and on the editorial board for International Review for the Sociology of Sport. She has published widely in leading tourism, management and sociology journals, and has authored several books in tourism, leisure and events.

[]Professor Chris Cooper, School of Events, Tourism and Hospitality Management Leeds Beckett University in the UK. Chris gained his undergraduate degree and PhD in Geography from University College London. He has more than thirty years’ experience in tourism and has worked as a researcher and teacher in every region of the world. He gained experience in tour operation working for Thomson Travel before returning to academic life. Chris was Co-Founder of Progress in Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation Research and the International Journal of Tourism Research and is now the Co-Editor of Current Issues In Tourism. He is a member of the editorial board for leading tourism, hospitality and leisure journals and has authored a number of leading text and research books in tourism. He is the co-series editor of the influential Channel View book series ‘Aspects of Tourism’. Chris works with international agencies including the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the European Union, the International Labour Organization, the OECD, the Inter-American Development Bank and ASEAN. He held the Chair of the UNWTO’s Education Council from 2005 – 2007 and was awarded the United Nations Ulysses Medal for contributions to tourism education and policy in 2009.

[][]Dr Xavier Font is professor of Sustainability Marketing at the University of Surrey, and Professor II at the University of the Arctic in Norway. He researches and develops methods of sustainable tourism production and consumption. He has published widely about sustainable tourism certification, and has consulted on sustainable product development, marketing and communication for several United Nations agencies, the International Finance Corporation, the European Commission, VisitEngland, Fáilte Ireland, VisitWales, VisitScotland and WWF amongst others.  He has supervised 17 PhDs to completion. He co-edits the Journal of Sustainable Tourism (ABS 3*, IF 3.400). He has conducted over 140 courses for more than 2500 businesses on how to market and communicate sustainability, see<>.

[]Professor Scott McCabe is a Professor in Marketing and Tourism and has worked at the University of Nottingham since 2007. The main focus of his research is on tourist experience and consumer behaviour. He studied day visitor's motivations for visiting the Peak District National Park for his PhD thesis, undertaking detailed analysis of the language visitors used to construct and formulate reasoned accounts for their actions, drawing on for example, biography and place identity Prior to joining Higher Education, Scott worked in the tourism and hospitality industry first in the Peak District National Park and then during travels in Australia and South East Asia. Scott is the current co-Editor in Chief of Annals of Tourism Research, and an editorial board member on the Journal of Policy Research in Leisure, Tourism and Events, the Annals of Leisure Research, and the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. He has also been an Associate Editor of the Journal of Business Research (2016-18). Scott has been a member of the International Sociological Association (Research Committee 50 on International Tourism) since 2004, and currently serves as Vice President for Organising the World Congress sessions for that committee. He has previously served as Deputy Chair of the Tourism Marketing SIG of the Academy of Marketing and on the Committee of the Association for Tourism in Higher Education learned society.


If you are interested in presenting your research at this symposium, please send abstracts (250‐350 words) to Emmanuel Adu‐Ampong (emmanuel.adu‐[log in to unmask]) with a copy to [log in to unmask]   Abstracts are accepted on any topic in tourism/leisure/events/hospitality in general but must be based on ongoing/completed PhD research/thesis/dissertation. Spaces are limited, and abstracts are reviewed and accepted on a first come first served basis. The deadline for abstracts is Monday 17th February 2020. Please use the attached abstract submission form.

We look forward to your submission.

More information -

TouRNet 2020 -<>
Following the success of the past four editions and in response to participant feedback the 5th TouRNet PhD/ECR Symposium to be hosted by the School of Events, Tourism and Hospitality Management, Leeds Beckett University, UK.. This symposium is a gathering of PhD students and Early Career Researchers in tourism, leisure, events and hospitality, which aims to offer opportunities to;


Dr. Emmanuel Akwasi Adu-Ampong

Co-Editor in Chief – Tourism Planning and Development Journal -

Lecturer in Cultural Geography

Wageningen University & Research | Cultural Geography Research Group (GEO)

Wageningen Campus, Building 101 (Gaia), Room B-307 | Droevendaalsesteeg 3, 6708 PB, Wageningen (The Netherlands)

T: +31-317-482428  | M: +31-622663278

E: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> | [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

W: The Unplanned PhD Planner<> | @AduAmpong_EA<>

Latest Publications:

“The tourism-development nexus from a governance perspective: a research agenda”<>

“But You Are Also Ghanaian, You Should Know”: Negotiating the Insider–Outsider Research Positionality in the Fieldwork Encounter <> (with Adams, E.A)

The past, present and future of sustainability in tourism policy and planning in Sub-Saharan Africa <>  (with Kimbu, A. N.)

Other articles on Google Scholar<>  ResearchGate<>


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