

PLEASE NOTE: When you click 'Reply' to any message it will be sent to all RAMESES List members. If you only want to reply to the sender please remove [log in to unmask] from the 'To:' section of your email.

Hi Tom and all,


Thank you for bringing this up. I frequently go back to threads when I’m trying to figure out something or build an argument. I think it would be helpful to have  formally approved way of using this. If the advice is from an expert I think you could bring it to your discussion as an “expert opinion”, but then referencing is an issue. Not sure about other discussions though!






Rasha Okasheh; PhD Health and Wellbeing

Research fellow realist evaluation

Centre for Health and Clinical Research

Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences

UWE Bristol

Glenside Campus

Blackberry Hill

BS16 1DD

Tel: 0117 3286727




From: Realist and Meta-narrative Evidence Synthesis: Evolving Standards <[log in to unmask]> On Behalf Of Kaye, T.M.
Sent: 24 February 2020 11:18
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Formalizing information from RAMESES


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Dear all,


I hope this mail finds you well.


First, a quick thank you to everyone who posts to this list. Both those who ask questions and share their research, but also to those like Gill, Geoff and Justin who provide such great guidance to those of us who are new to the space.


Second, I'm really interested in whether there is a way that people can/have used the insights provided in this thread in their formal work (i.e. citing statements). I know that a lot of the thoughts and guidance are captured in some of the main texts already available. However, realist research continues to evolve, and there are a number of great comments/insights/suggestions not explicitly captured well elsewhere. As a PhD candidate, I often see the dialogue taking place in the list and feel its more useful than some of the formal texts! I would love to be able to cite some of these mails in the work that I'm submitting.


Has anyone ever done this, or have any ideas on the best ways to weave some of this into our work?





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