Dear all,

We have planned the next safety training and operator refresher sessions. The schedule is as follows:

Safety training: Wednesday 22nd January 2020 10:00-11:30 starting in room 313, 26 Bedford Way.

Operator refresher: Monday 20th January 2020  14:00-15:00 at BUCNI reception.

If you would like to attend, can you please provide me with the following info?



Principal Investigator

Scanning special population, if so which

Planned start date Previous experience: leave as appropriate: no MRI research experience / assisted with MRI study at elsewhere / assisted with MRI study at BUCNI / operated scanner elsewhere / operated scanner at BUCNI.

Best wishes,
Best wishes,
Mike Scopa
BUCNI Administrator

Working Hours:
Tuesday and Wednesday 10am-5pm and Friday 10am-4:30pm
Telephone 020 7679 5472
Ext. 25472
Best wishes,
Mike Scopa
BUCNI Administrator

Working Hours:
Tuesday and Wednesday 10am-5pm and Friday 10am-4:30pm
Best wishes,
Mike Scopa
BUCNI Administrator

Working Hours:
Monday and Wednesday 10am-5pm; Thursday 10am-4:30pm
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