

Dear Colleagues and Friends,


2019 has been a busy year for Leonardo/Olats and it is our great pleasure to give you those three gifts to end the year. Enjoy !


> Neotenous Dark Dwellers – Lygophilia, Robertina Šebjanič, video capsule

(may not work on Chrome)

On December 5th, Leonardo/Olats was launching the video capsule about Robertina Šebjanič’s Neotenous Dark Dwellers artwork, in the framework of the « Aquatic Twillight » exhibition that is presenting the whole series of works belonging to the artist Lygophilia project at the Galerija Tobačna 001 in Ljubljana (until January 15th 2020).


Based on the MemoRekall app, this video capsule is proposing a new online publication format in which various texts and documents are contextualising the artwork as the video rolls.

The « table of content » of the texts is appearing on a right side column as the video progresses. When one is selected a window opens that allows to read the text by clicking on the thumb nail image on the left side of the window.

The video capsule includes texts by Polona Tratnik, María Antonia González Valerio, Gregor Aljančič and Magdalena Năpăruş Aljančič and Annick Bureaud who is the editor of this project.


Direct link to the video capsule:

Direct link to the exhibition:



> Virtual Africa : « Women Curators », series of podcasts

Leonardo/Olats has relaunched its Virtual Africa project under the direction of Yvan Tina.

The gift of Yvan Tina for this end of the year is the first series of seven podcasts with the curators Oulimata Gueye, Elise Atangana, Olivia Maëlle Breuleur et Aude-Christel Mbga.

Yvan Tina writes : Virtual Africa is a project that aims to facilitate the encounters between the arts, sciences and new technologies in Africa and within the African diaspora.

In this series of interviews, one is interested in aesthetic issues related to the use of technology and contemporary curatorial practices, giving a voice to the women who contribute to the enlightening of the African scene (and its diaspora) through their work as artists, critics, art historians or curators.

Have a nice listening ! (the podcasts are in French)



> LASER Paris : the video recordings are online

This year, we have crossed Paris in its diagonale with the LASER meetings, from Ground Control to the Centquatre and then to the Pompidou Centre. The videos of this last meeting with Félicie d’Estienne d’Orves and Fabio Acero about their project Light DNA and with Sandra and Gaspard Bébié-Valérian around their project MyCore are online on YouTube and Vimeo (the introductions at the begining of each video are the same).


Leonardo/Olats has received support from the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation for those projects in 2019. The Neotenous Dark Dwellers - Lygophilia video capsule received support from the Projekt Atol Institute.


Nice watch, good reading and happy listening and ... enjoy the rest of 2019, see you again next year !


Annick Bureaud

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