

Pnawn da gyfeillion

Tybed oes rhywun yn gyfarwydd â'r term *limerence*, a gorau oll, wedi dod
ar draws gair Cymraeg, neu'n gallu meddwl am air addas? Rhaid cyfadde nad
o'n i'n gyfarwydd â'r gair yn Saesneg heb sôn am ddim byd arall!

Dyma sydd gan Wikipedia i'w ddweud amdano:

"*Limerence* is a state of mind which results from a romantic attraction to
another person and typically includes obsessive thoughts and fantasies and
a desire to form or maintain a relationship with the object of love and
have one's feelings reciprocated. Limerence can also be defined as an
involuntary state of intense romantic desire."

Rhagor yma:

Diolch yn fawr ymlaen llaw!



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