

**with apologies for cross postings**

Dear list members,

Just a quick reminder about our forthcoming Annual Gerard Turner Memorial

Friday 15th November 2019
Society of Antiquaries, Mayfair, London, W1J 0BE

Dr Nicolàs de Hilster, Netherlands

*‘Fakes, Replicas and Reconstructions: their place in scientific research
of early modern instruments’*

Abstract: The depth of research of early modern instruments greatly depends
on their availability in collections. For this several modern day authors
have created replicas and reconstructions to assist them in it. But what is
a proper replica or reconstruction? How well should it be made and what is
the risk of creating a (future) fake in the process? The 2019 Gerard Turner
Medal Lecture will deal with the sometimes fuzzy boundaries between these
three categories. The differences between a replica and a reconstruction
will be discussed as well as the chance of instruments migrating from a
replica or reconstruction towards a fake. It will be shown that research
and even publications can result in fakes, but at the same time can assist
in detecting them. Original instruments can become fakes while period
instruments can, depending on the definition, be fakes on their own. But as
they can significantly contribute to our knowledge of early modern
instruments, fakes, replicas and reconstructions should have a more solid
basis in this kind of research.

Nicolàs de Hilster is a hydrographic surveyor by education and the founding
owner of a company in specialised measurements in the hydrographic and
geodetic field. He is also a collector and independent researcher on
nautical and geodetic instruments. The main focus of my research lies on
instruments used for latitude determination at sea, from Thomas Harriot to
John Hadley and their contemporaries. Part of my research is creating
reconstructions and replicas of the instruments and to use them in the
field for a better understanding of their capabilities.

5.30pm   Doors open, tea/coffee available
6pm        Lecture starts
7pm        Sherry and nibbles reception until 7.45pm.

*This event is free and open to all. No need to book, just turn up on the
day. *

All details available on our website:

We look forward to seeing you there!

All best wishes,

Louise Devoy
On behalf of the Scientific Instrument Society Committee


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