

Dear Colleagues,

Please find attached (and below) details of a Call for abstracts for the next BSA Deconstructing Donation conference, which will take place at City, University of London on 19th June 2020. The deadline for abstract submissions is 27th March 2020.

Dr Laura Machin is inviting Abstract submissions for this interdisciplinary conference which aims to deconstruct 'donation'. Presentations that provide insight into the relationships that donation produce, with people, technology, body parts, fluids and tissue are particularly welcomed. Theoretical, methodological, and empirical papers will all be considered. Presentations can draw on the concepts and theories within the social sciences and/or humanities and can refer to all types of bodily, tissue, and fluid donations for a variety of purposes such as education, treatment, art, and research. The conference will have a number of themed sessions, which we invite potential speakers to consider.

- Contextualising Donation
We are inviting contributions which critically address the contexts, politics and practices which both construct and transform donation. Donation does not happen in a social vacuum and contributors are asked to consider how various forms of donation are shaped, maintained and developed in particular contexts and at particular times, through, for example, considerations of political, economic, socio-cultural and policy concerns.

- Researching Donation: Methodological Considerations and Contingencies
We are interested in papers which address the particular methodological and ethical approaches and challenges to researching donation. Contributors may wish to consider the particular issues involved in gaining access to and studying donation in the 'field', and the research relationships that shape and make these activities possible.

Abstract Submission
Please email abstracts of up to 300 words by 27th March 2020 to the Deconstructing Donation Study Group Convenor, Dr Laura Machin: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> . You will be notified out of the outcome of your submission by 24th April 2020.

In the abstract, please include your name, institution, title of presentation, and email address.  Abstracts significantly over the word count will not be accepted. Abstracts significantly over the word count will not be accepted. Abstracts will be reviewed, taking into account the suitability of the topic, the stage of research process (if appropriate), and the significance of the findings or arguments proposed to the Group.

Registration Fees

· Student British Sociological Association member £35 / Student non-BSA member £40

· BSA member £45 / Non-BSA member £50

Please feel free to spread the call for abstracts within your personal and professional networks - all welcome!

Best wishes

Dr Jessie Cooper
Lecturer in the Sociology of Health,
Division of Health Services Research & Management,
School of Health Sciences
City, University of London
Myddelton Street Building
London, EC1R 1UW
T: +44 (0)20 7040 0882
E: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

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