

Dear colleagues,

please be reminded that the CfP for our first Biennial ENPA Conference remains open until December 1, 2019.

Mind Embedded and Embodied - Futures of Psychological Anthropology.
The conference will take place between 2-4 June 2020 at the University of Helsinki. Call for panels and papers opens now.

Conference Theme
As the global political economy becomes increasingly multipolar, the assumption that psychological and bio-psychiatric €˜insights,€™ predominantly produced in the €˜West, may be imposed on other social groups, is increasingly open to question. Psychological anthropology is uniquely positioned to address the tensions between universalising and relativising understandings of the human condition. As the first ENPA Biennial, this conference will be launched as an inclusive forum for scholars from a wide range of disciplinary and thematic orientations to discuss, theorise and reflect on historically and socio-culturally situated concepts of the mind, the body, and their entanglements in cultural, social, and/or political worlds. Critical perspectives on the concepts of mainstream psychology - that posit humans as subject to universal psychological patterns of feeling, thinking and interacting - are encouraged; productive engagements across the disciplinary boundaries of anthropology and cognitive science, psychiatry, philosophy, evolutionary biology, and others will also be welcome. Through a fruitful dialogue within and between disciplines, the European Network for Psychological Anthropology (ENPA) aims to foster new insights not only in research contexts, but also in policy-making, therapy, and healing.

Keynote speakers

  *   Charles Stafford, LSE Department of Anthropology
  *   Tyyne Claudia Pollmann, Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee

Call for Panels and Papers
We warmly invite panel and paper submissions across the field of Psychological Anthropology. We encourage panel submissions, but will also accept a limited number of individual papers, which will be arranged into cohesive panels by the ENPA conference team.
Each session includes 5 x 20 minute presentation slots, and 20 minutes for open discussion. Possible formats are:

  *   5 papers + 20 min discussion
  *   4 papers, discussant + 20 min discussion

We also encourage submissions beyond conventional paper panels, e.g. flash presentation sessions or open mic sessions.
Please submit your panel/paper by 1 December, 2019 via email at [log in to unmask] Notifications by the review panel will be sent by 31 January, 2020.
Panel submission should include:

  *   general abstract, max 250 words
  *   abstract for each of the 4-5 papers, max 250 words
  *   name, institutional affiliation and email of all participants (chair/s, presenters, discussant)

Individual paper submissions should include:

  *   abstract, max 250 words
  *   name, affiliation and email

Further information can be found on our website:
If you have any further questions regarding the conference, please do not hesitate to contact us at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.

Warm regards,
the ENPA team, in collaboration with EASA and University of Helsinki


Thomas Stodulka
Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology
Freie Universität Berlin
Landoltweg 9-11, 14195 Berlin

European Network for Psychological Anthropology<>
Associate Editor: Ethos
Co-Editor: Social Sciences in Asia

Recent books: Affective Dimensions of Fieldwork and Ethnography (2019), Emotionen auf Expeditionen (2019), Emotionen im Feld (2019), Coming of Age on the Streets of Java (2017)

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