

Call for Papers - Special Issue "When theory meets 
practice.Entanglements of ageing and technology at the cross-roads of 
STS and Age Studies"
TECNOSCIENZA: Italian Journal of Science & Technology Studies

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Dear friends and colleagues,

please consider submitting a contribution to the Call for Papers by 
<> (see 
announcement below), Special Issue "When theory meets practice. 
Entanglements of ageing and technology at the cross-roads of STS and Age 

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Best regards,
Tecnoscienza Editorial Team

        Call for Papers - When theory meets practice. Entanglements of
        ageing and technology at the cross-roads of STS and Age Studies


  Special Issue

  "When theory meets practice. Entanglements of ageing and technology at
  the cross-roads of STS and Age Studies"

  *Guest editors:*

Michela Cozza (University of Mälardalen, Västerås, Sweden)
Britt Östlund (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden)
Alexander Peine (Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherland)

*Call for papers*

In recent years, ageing and later life have started to be relevant 
topics in STS (Cozza et al. 2017; Peine et al. 2015; Sánchez-Criado et 
al. 2014; Urban 2017). While social and critical gerontologists have 
long debunked biomedical models of ageing to show that ageing “is both a 
bio-demographic reality and a social construction reacting back into 
each other” (Katz 2014: 18), materiality and embodiments of ageing have 
only received limited attention (Latimer and López Gomez 2019). Some 
exceptions can be found in feminist technoscience (Joyce and Mamo 2006; 
McNeil and Roberts 2012) with studies, for example, on vision and 
visuality of technoscience enacting the ageing human body (Åsberg and 
Lykke 2010) or works engaged with biomedicine and patient experience of 
becoming older (Roberts 2006). Such attention on social and material 
aspects of ageing points to where STS scholars have started to engage 
with critical gerontologists and explore the co-constitution of ageing 
and technology (Peine and Neven 2019). Such studies have critiqued, in 
particular, the widespread assumptions among policy makers, 
health-oriented researchers and other practitioners that ageing and 
technologies are separable, and have instead explored the assemblages 
and enactment through which they exist only in relation to each other 
(Joyce et al. 2017; Wanka and Gallistl 2018).
The entanglement between ageing and technologies can be put into the 
foreground by focusing on design. Design can be defined as “an 
intervention in practice” (Shove 2014: 41) through which designers 
configure materials, ideologies, and competences that affect the 
everyday life. When thinking on the ageing population and the 
unprecedented diffusion of technologies made with older people as the 
target group, the relevance of design emerges straightforwardly (Cozza 
et al. 2018). Some design researchers have urged to open the black box 
of technologies of this kind and analyse the configuring of their social 
and material components by applying STS theories (Cozza et al. 2019; 
Frennert and Östlund 2014; Östlund et al. 2015). The critical potential 
of STS may help to challenge assumptions on technology, ageing, and 
later life and open up to alternative views.
For this special issue, we invite to zoom in on technological design, 
implementation, and evaluation as relevant sites for the co-constitution 
of ageing and technology. In particular, we explore the notion of 
“theory”, and precisely how theories of ageing inform, clash, become 
interfaced and reassembled at these sites. Building on Kurt Lewin’s 
(1945) maxim that “there is nothing as practical as a good theory”, we 
look for contributions that explore what happens when theories meet 
practice (for instance, when theories of privacy by design need to be 
cared for in practice, when theories of plug-and-play meet practices of 
bricolage, when theories of aging configure processes of co-creation). 
In short, we seek contributions that explore how theories of ageing and 
older people are constituted in the practices of designing, implementing 
and evaluating technologies. Such technologies may include, but are not 
limited to, active and passive monitoring devices, robotics, smartphones 
and/or tablets, smart home devices, medical technologies, and others.
This special issue of Tecnoscienza. The Italian Journal of Science & 
Technology Studies invites papers that explore issues related (but not 
limited) to the following themes:

  * the constitution of ageing from a sociomaterial perspective
  * the design processes from the point of view of scholars at the
    cross-roads of STS and Age Studies
  * the co-creation of technologies with and for older people
  * the relationship between technology, ageing, and later life from the
    point of view of
  * feminist technoscience/gender studies
  * the contribution of post-human theories to the analysis of
    technologies for older people
  * potentialities and limits of STS theories and/or “interventions” in
    studying design
  * practices having older people as target group

*Deadline for abstract submissions: December 10*^*th* *, 2019*
Abstracts (in English) with a maximum length of 500 words should be sent 
as email attachments to [log in to unmask] 
<mailto:[log in to unmask]>_ and copied to the guest editors. 
Notification of acceptance will be communicated by mid-January, 2020. 
Full papers (in English with a maximum length of 8,000 words including 
notes and references) will be due on April 30th 2020 and will be subject 
to a double blind peer review process.

For information and questions, please do not hesitate to contact the 
guest editors:

*Michela Cozza, [log in to unmask]
Britt Östlund, [log in to unmask]
Alexander Peine, [log in to unmask]*

Åsberg, C. and Lykke, N. (2010) Feminist technoscience studies, in 
“European Journal of Women’s Studies”, 17 (4), pp. 299-305.
Cozza, M., De Angeli, A. and Tonolli, L. (2017) Ubiquitous technologies 
for older people, in “Personal and Ubiquitous Computing”, 21 (3), pp. 
Cozza M., Crevani, L., Hallin, A. and Schaeffer, J. (2018) Future 
ageing: welfare technology practices for our future older selves, in 
“Futures. The journal of policy, planning and futures studies”, doi: 
Cozza, M., Cusinato, A., Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos, A. (2019) 
Atmosphere in participatory design, in “Science as Culture”,
Frennert, S. and Östlund, B. (2016) What happens when seniors 
participate in new eHealth schemes?, in “Disability and Rehabilitation: 
Assistive Technology”, 11 (7), pp. 572-580.
Joyce, K. and Mamo, L. (2006) Graying the cyborg. New directions in 
feminist analyses ofaging, science, and technology, in T.M. Calasanti 
and K.F. Slevin (eds.), Age matters. Realigning feminist thinking. New 
York/London, Routledge, pp. 99-121.
Joyce, K., Peine, A., Neven, L. and Kohlbacher, F. (2017) Aging: The 
socio-material constitution oflater life. In U. Felt, R. Fouché, C. 
Miller and L. Smith-Doerr L (eds), The handbook ofscience and technology 
studies (fourth edition). Cambridge: The MIT Press, pp. 915-942.
Katz, S. (2014) What is age studies, in “Age Culture Humanities”, 1, pp. 
Latimer, J. and López Gómez, D. (2019) Intimate entanglements: Affects, 
more-than-human intimacies and the politics of relations in science and 
technology, in “The Sociological Review Monographs”, 67 (2), pp. 247-263.
Lewin, K. (1945) The research centre for group dynamics at Massachusetts 
Institute of Technology, in “Sociometrics”, 8, pp. 128-135.
McNeil, M. and Roberts, C. (2012) Feminist science and technology 
studies, in R. Buikema, G. Griffin and N. Lykke (eds.), Theories and 
methodologies in postgraduate feminist research: researching 
differently. New York, Routledge, pp. 29-42.
Östlund, B. Olander, E., Jonsson, O. and Frennert, S. (2015) 
STS-inspired design to meet the challenges of modern aging. Welfare 
technology as a tool to promote user driven innovations or another way 
to keep older users hostage?, in “Technological Forecasting & Social 
Change”, 93, pp. 82-90.
Peine, A. Faulkner, A., Jæger, B. and Moors, E. (2015) Science, 
technology and the ‘grand challenge’ of ageing—understanding the 
socio-material constitution oflater life, in “Technological Forecasting 
and Social Change”, 93, pp. 1-9.
Peine, A. and Neven, L. (2019) From Intervention to Co-constitution: New 
Directions in Theorizing about Aging and Technology, in “The 
Gerontologist”, 59 (1), pp. 15-21.
Roberts, C. (2006) What can I do to help myself? Somatic individuality 
and contemporary hormonal bodies, in “Science Studies”, 19 (2), pp. 54-76.
Sánchez-Criado, T., López, D. Roberts, C. and Domènech, M. (2014) 
Installing telecare, installing users: Felicity conditions for the 
instauration of usership, in “Science, Technology, & Human Values”, 39 
(5), pp. 694-719.
Shove, E. (2014) On ‘The design of everyday life’, in “Tecnoscienza. 
Italian journal of science & technology studies”, 5 (2), pp. 33-42.
Urban, M. (2017) ‘This really takes it out of you!’ The senses and 
emotions in digital health practices of the elderly, in “Digital 
Health”, 3, pp. 1-16.
Wanka, A. and Gallistl, V. (2018) Doing age in a digitized world – A 
material praxeology of aging with technology, in “Frontiers in 
Sociology”, 3 (6), doi: 10.3389/fsoc.2018.00006




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