

Dear all,


As we approach the final countdown to register for the DCDC conference (12 – 14 November), it would be fantastic if you could circulate the below message amongst your colleagues and students.


We hope to see you there.





Less than two weeks left to register for DCDC19


The DCDC19 Conference is a cross-sectoral event, allowing you to connect with colleagues from the archive, library, museum and HE sectors, from the UK, Ireland, Europe and beyond, to discuss how we can unlock the potential of our collections.


This year the conference will explore possibilities of the digital shift for collections, audience expectations, and professional practices. Over three days we will hear from over 75 speakers from over 40 organisations, during 30 keynotes, panels and workshops.


DCDC19 will be held at the Birmingham Conference and Events Centre (BCEC) from 12-14 November.

View the DCDC19 programme & registration info







Emma Kay | Academic Communications and Impact Officer
The National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 4DU | +44 (0)80518731 (ext. 2013)

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