

Hello, Guten Tag,

I'm studying for an MMus at Hull, and I wish to present the song cycle by Schubert, Winterreise, next year.

My non-musical research area is death studies, Terror Management Theory and the creaturely nature of dying.
Would anybody have any insight into how this might relate to German Romantic poetry, as set to music in Winterreise (Mueller)?
I want to make the case that the traveller in the song cycle is not necessarily suicidal or close to death, but that, in the Germanic tradition, death is a more constant companion and the creaturely nature of death, as opposed to the clean, sanitised humanness of life, does not terrify the German  poet in the same way. Therefore, in times of trauma (lost love, alas!) the desire is to return to nature, away from the living town and humanity, and to return to the creaturely state, which is closer to death.

Does this make sense? I want to connect, by research evidence, my study into Music Therapy for end of life care and mortality salience, with the themes of death, creatureliness and nature in German Romantic literature/poetry.

Would be so grateful for any assistance!


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