Dear Lis-Bibliometrics colleagues,


There are only FOUR days left to apply to join the fabulous LIS-Bibliometrics Committee! The closing date 20 September 2019.


See details below 😊


All best




On Mon, Sep 9, 2019 at 4:57 PM Elizabeth Gadd <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Dear LIS-Bibliometrics colleagues,


The LIS-Bibliometrics Committee is seeking five new members!


LIS-Bibliometrics is celebrating its tenth birthday next year and is planning an exciting conference and future-facing developments. We are looking for some enthusiastic and committed individuals to join us on this journey. As of last year all Committee members have their own area of responsibility - something they can get their teeth into and make their own.  We have vacancies in the areas of The Bibliomagician Blog, vendor relations, training and events, and international relations.  However, if you have a particular skill or interest, we’d be happy to consider other areas of focus.


The Committee meets face-to-face once a year (usually after the annual event) and virtually about twice a year, to push forward the work of the group.  Committee terms are usually for two years, with the possibility for extension for a further term. If you are interested in joining, please could you reply to me (offline) by Friday 20 September with a short statement (max 300 words) saying why you’d like to join the group, what area of responsibility you’d be interested in, and what you could bring to that role? 


We very much look forward to hearing from you!


All best




Dr Elizabeth Gadd FHEA MCLIP

Research Policy Manager (Publications)

Loughborough University

Loughborough, Leics, UK, LE11 3TU


Chair, INORMS Research Evaluation Working Group

Chair, Lis-Bibliometrics

Champion, ARMA Research Evaluation SIG


Working hours: M: 8.30-5/ Tu: 8.30-5/ W: 8.30-3/ F: WFH 8.30-12.30


Phone: +44 (0)1509228594

Twitter: @lizziegadd

Skype: lizziegadd






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With Regards,

Dr. Kruti J Trivedi
Scientist C (LS)
(An IUC of UGC)
Infocity, Gandhinagar - 382007
Email: [log in to unmask]
Phone: 079-23268241

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