

Dear experts:

I am on my way to interpret the results of FSL VBM and I am doing my cluster part. 

I write 

cluster -i GM_mod_merg_s2_tstat1.nii.gz  -t 2.5 -o cluster_index_s2_1 --osize=cluster_size_s2_1 > cluster_info_s2_1.txt 

But I am not sure of the results because all the coordinates are positive and of course the atlasquery would give me disparate results the vast majority is unknown and or pretty much the same areas in the brain. 

I copied from 

    cluster -i myinputimage -t 2.5 -o cluster_index --osize=cluster_size > cluster_info.txt

I do not know if myinputimage is any *tstat*.nii.gz file. 

Thanks for the help!


PD I forgot to mention in the processing stream I did

fslmaths GM_mod_merg -s 3.5 GM_mod_merg_s3.5

after this

randomise -i GM_mod_merg_s3 -m GM_mask -o fslvbm -d design.mat -t design.con -T -n 5000

I do not know if that is relevant and in that case how to fix it probably deleting output files from randomise and re-run from fslvbm_3_proc


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