Wonder what colleagues think of Michael Gove’s Yellowhammer release letter?


Particularly the statement about not releasing communications of civil servants and SPADS:

"Moreover, the motion appears to direct the Government to carry out searches that could only be discharged by breaching the legal framework set by Parliament itself, whether the Investigatory Powers Act 2016, the Human Rights Act 1998 implementing the European Convention on Human rights, or the Data Protection Act 2018. Such action would contravene the statutory obligations on the Civil Service under the Constitutional Reform and Governance Act 2010 to observe the rule of law. That cannot be set aside by a resolution of the House of Commons."

My thoughts:

1. For a start he should be quoting GDPR not DPA 2018. 

2. Could processing (disclosure) be justified under GDPR Article 6 anyway? - legal obligation, vital interests, public interests/official authority 

Interested in your views.

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