PS: That last post was written on 23 September but seems to have got stuck in my outbox. That’s why it didn’t refer to others' excellent thoughts.


On 26 Sep 2019, at 12:45, Jonathan Kay <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Hi, Martin.

Are you asking why we ever started doing that, or why we are still doing it?

On the former I recommend Galen and Gambino from 1975, and the NORDKEM projects from the 1980s.

But the latter is a professional disgrace. We now have all of the tools to do this much better, including:
  1. Processing power in the medium on which clinicians view reports that allows computerised decision support.
  2. Ditto much better infographics.
  3. Computerised requesting which allows factors such as the question being asked and some estimate of the a priori probability to be available throughout the cycle.

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