

This is a reminder for the satellite of the CCS UrbanSys, please send contributions before the deadline of the early bird registration to the main conference. 


UrbanSys call for papers

Venue & structure

UrbanSys2019 is a Satellite Workshop of the Conference on Complex Systems (CCS) to take place in Singapore from September 30-October 4, 2019. The UrbanSys workshop will be a half day event on October 2 and will include 3 invited talks of 30 minutes each and contributed talks of 15 mins. each.

More updates and details on the satellite can be found at  

Workshop description

The study of urban systems has a long tradition in disciplines such architecture, geography, civil engineering, economy, etc. However, the pervasive introduction of information technologies summed up to the recent advances in complexity science are opening new research opportunities in this highly multidisciplinary field. The new technologies provide citizens with the material to take more informed decisions (e.g., regarding their travel behavior, energy and resources consumption habits, etc.), as well as leading to new forms of social relationships and to the introduction of new activities such as e-shopping and teleworking. At the same time, the penetration of ICT is turning individuals into passive and/or active ‘sensors’ that produce, exchange and consume an increasing amount of information, generating a variety of heterogeneous data on citizens’ preferences and behavior. As we move, travel, shop, etc., we leave e-footprints informing on our needs, choices and opinions. This feedback loop is modifying urban dynamics, as well as opening new opportunities for understanding such dynamics and developing new approaches to the design and management of urban systems. In recent years, research on the analysis of non-conventional data sources has begun to jump from academia to industry and public administration, and the interest in new data-driven applications and decision-making tools for infrastructure and strategic planning is growing every day both in private and public sectors.

Following a series of successful satellites organised at previous ECCS/CCS events, (UrbanNet2013 at ECCS13, CitiNet 2014 at ECCS14, UrbanNet2015 at NetSci 2015, UrbanNet2016 at CCS2016, UrbanSys2017 at CCS2017 and UrbanSys2018 at CCS2018), the objective of the UrbanSys2019 satellite of CCS2019 is to create a space for exchanging state-of-the-art results and innovative ideas on how to address the problems and opportunities opened by smart cities through complex systems theory and methodologies. In this sense, we have launched a call for contributions for the satellite. Particular attention will be devoted to new data-driven approaches for improving the planning and management of urban infrastructures, including land use, transportation, energy and tourism planning, to mention some examples.

Keywords: Urban planning, transport, mobility, retail, multiplex and multilayer networks in cities, housing, tourism, energy, smart city, ICT, data analytics, urban modelling.

Invited speakers

  * Marc Barthelemy

  * Michele Tizzoni

  * Markus Schlapfer

Call for papers

A non-exhaustive list of topics to which particular attention will be paid includes:

  - Methods and tools for the exploitation of new sources of spatial and temporal data, both for real time management and for longer term strategic planning of urban infrastructure and services (transport, energy, communications, tourism ...).

  - ICT-driven social and behavioral changes and their impact on location and activity patterns in cities.

  - Modelling of the coupling between short-term and long-term urban dynamics.

  - Consumer data as a proxy for modelling urban networks.

  - Interplay between activity-travel patterns and social networks.

  - Multiplex and multilayer networks in urban contexts.

We invite contributors to submit an extended abstract (1-2 pages) via EasyChair ( Submissions arriving for July 25, 2019, will receive an answer before the end of the early bird registration by July 31. Those arriving later can be accepted depending on slot availability.


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