Dear all,

We would like to bring to your attention the following session at the 2019 AGU meeting in San Francisco entitled “Rock Damage in Fault Zones (MR028)”.  We are looking to attract scientists who study deformation along and off-fault using field, numerical, experimental and observational approaches.


François Renard, University of Oslo

Sarah Incel, Ruhr University, Bochum

Giulio di Toro, University of Padova

Yehuda Ben.-Zion, University of Southern California

Confirmed invited speakers

Frans Aben, Univercity College, London

Bjørn Jamtveit, University of Oslo

Summary: Rock damage in fault zones is observed in many continental regions and is inferred in subduction zones. The damage modifies earthquake rupture properties and the evolution of seismic sequences. Geophysical data indicate km-wide damage zones along plate boundaries in the upper crust, while observations of fossil earthquakes show narrow cm-thick damage zones in the lower crust. In laboratory experiments, the evolution of damage with increasing stress leads to localization, and both slow and fast slips generate damage. The similarities and differences between shallow damage (upper few km) and deep damage (>20 km deep) from microstructures, mineral composition, lithology and geophysical observations are subject to considerable recent studies. This session aims to discuss why and how fault damage zones form and evolve across the entire crust. We encourage multi-disciplinary contributions from geological, geophysical, experimental, and modelling studies of fault damage, including novel techniques to extract information from large data sets.

Professor François Renard
The Njord Centre, Department of Geosciences
University of Oslo, box 1048, Blindern, 0316 Oslo, Norway
Phone: +47 22857740 - Mob: +47 47688752
also at:
ISTerre, University Grenoble Alpes, France

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