
we have some problems with the 'fslcomplex' function. We get the following error message

fslcomplex -complexmerge image_complex1.nii.gz image_complex2.nii.gz test.nii.gz

Image Exception : #5 :: Out of Bounds (time index)

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'RBD_COMMON::BaseException'

Aborted (core dumped)

When we look at the code, a potential problem can be that the for loop in the function 'complexmerge' is

for (int n=vr1.mint(); n<=vr1.maxt(); n++) {

instead of

for (int n=vr1.mint(); n<vr1.maxt(); n++) {

i.e. <= instead of <


Is this a bug or are we using the function incorrectly?

- Anders

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