Dear Colleagues

Peer review request!

Apologies for cross-posting

As it is holiday time, we thought we would pre-advise you of what is coming next week. Following the success of previous calls to our academic communities, next week we will be issuing another series of 3 calls for interested colleagues to undertake blind peer-reviews of submissions to the JLDHE (Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education). These will be for issue 16, to be published in November/December of 2019. The calls will contained in emails to the LDHEN, SEDA and EATAW JISCmail lists on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week and will be posted by members of our editorial team. If you are keen to write a review, you will be invited to respond to the specific editor dealing with the paper of your choice.

In the meantime, I hope you all enjoy the coming weekend.

Best wishes from the JLDHE editorial team:


Christopher Drew, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia

Sue Eccles, Bournemouth University, UK

Andy Hagyard, University of Leeds, UK

John Hilsdon, University of Plymouth, UK

Christina Howell-Richardson Birkbeck, University of London, UK

Eleanor Loughlin, Durham University

Cathy Malone, Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom

Craig Morley, University of Manchester, UK

Gita Sedghi, University of Liverpool, UK

Alicja Syska, University of Plymouth, UK







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