

Dear all
we are advertising a role that may appeal to a small number of people on this list. Please do forward to friends or colleagues who might be interested.

We are looking for applicants with an understanding of anthropology and creative practices. It will be an advantage if a candidate also has experience of enterprise activity.
This is an open-ended core funded academic appointment and is available from September 2019.
The ideal candidate will have a proven record in ethnographic practice and in the creation of performing arts. They will also have experience of setting up and leading a variety of different projects. They will be able to contribute to the teaching in the MA Creative and Collaborative Enterprise. It is essential that they have training to Masters level in Social or Cultural Anthropology. (NB academic work to date is less important than the experience based work mentioned above).;data=02%7C01%7C%7C61463f834c8c418869ee08d711071275%7C1faf88fea9984c5b93c9210a11d9a5c2%7C0%7C0%7C636996594381019261&amp;sdata=mbfAltvPmfX%2BiOevJxpg8BEOzMMI%2BUGBncfWTBwSa4E%3D&amp;reserved=0<;data=02|01||61463f834c8c418869ee08d711071275|1faf88fea9984c5b93c9210a11d9a5c2|0|0|636996594381019261&amp;sdata=mbfAltvPmfX+iOevJxpg8BEOzMMI+UGBncfWTBwSa4E=&amp;reserved=0>

For further information send people to myself and I will connect them to my colleagues who lead on this innovative MA within UCL Anthropology.

all best

Michael Stewart


Professor of Social Anthropology
Academic Lead Creative Industry Partnerships UCL East
Vice Dean for Enterprise & KE
Founding Director Open City Documentary Festival

Future Media Studio
Room 313
Student Central
Malet Street
WC1E 7H1

+44 (0)20 3108 6695 - +44 (0)7989 401038

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