

 Dear SPM experts,
I need some advice on statistical analyses regarding an fMRI dataset that
is currently in revision.

I have a 2x2 experimental design. Let's call them A and B. The conditions I
have are then A1B1, A1B2, A2B1, A2B2. In addition, there is a parametric
modulator (efffect of delay on factors A and B). I am not interested in the
effect of the parametric modulator, but BOLD activity linked with
responding to the parametric modulator (detecting vs. no t detecting a
delay). I therefore divided the 4 factors into 8 regressors which also
involved whether a delay was detected or not (A1B1_detected,
A1B1_undetected, A1B2_detected, A1B2_undetected, A2B1_detected,
A2B1_undetected, A2B2_detected, A2B2_undetected).

I carried two separate analyses (first and second level): in the first, I
looked at the effects concerning factors A and B. In the second, I added
the detection factor and looked at the effect of detection as well. The
reason why I conducted two separate analyses was because in the second
analysis, I had to exclude data from 2 participants due to insufficient
number of detected/undetected trials within a session.

Here, the reviewers were concerned that delay detection is confounded by
the physical delay, and that two analyses were performed separately. For
the first problem, it was suggested that I conduct partial regression
analysis in which I model physical delay and delay detection, and look
whether delay detection explains any variance in BOLD once physical delay
is accounted for. Regarding missing data, they suggested me to conduct a
linear mixed model analysis.
I have no experience in LMEs and other neuroimaging analysis packages, and
have limited time. As far as I understood, LME cannot be performed in SPM.

My questions are:
- How can I perform partial regression using SPM?
- Is it possible to adopt an approach similar to LMEs using SPM? If not,
which program would be easiest to learn and implement given limited time?
- Is there any way I can add all these factors in one analysis (e.g.
parametric modulation as covariate)?

Thank you very much in advance.
