

Dear Ping,

the warp field that takes the template into subject space should be the same size as the subject image (T1 image of the original space), so that is absolutely correct.

But there are a couple of other problems with your commands below

        I want to get the warp_field from the standard space template to the linearly registered T1 image. How should I perform invwarp? 
        I have tried to do this as follows,
"flirt -ref Template -in struc_brain.nii.gz -omat flirt_transf.mat -out flirt_brain
fnirt --in=struc_brain.nii.gz --aff=flirt_transf.mat --cout=fnirt_transfcoef --ref=Template

When you run fnirt you should _not_ use the brain extracted (betted) data. You should use the non-betted (original) images and warp them to the non-betted template (typically the MNI152_T1_2mm.nii.gz image) 

You should also use a suitable configuration file. For T1-weighted human images we recommend the T1_2_MNI152_2mm.cnf file. If using it for other types of data that file still provides a good starting point for defining ones own configuration file.


applywarp --ref=Template --in=struc_brain.nii.gz --warp=fnirt_transfcoef --out=fnirt_brain
invwarp --ref=struc_brain.nii.gz --warp=fnirt_transfcoef.nii.gz --out=warpfield_into_struc_ space"
       But the resulting warp_field is the same size as the T1 image of the original space. This should not be the warp_field from the template to the linear registration image I want to get. So, what should I do for this?
       Your help is greatly appreciated.


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