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Dear Colleagues,


I will be hosting a 2.5 hour online workshop on June 20th on how to understand and operationalize mechanisms and the CMO configuration in realist inquiry.
An optional consultation is available one week after the workshop.
Further details including registration information is provided at




Mechanisms and the CMO Configuration

June 20th at 12:00 (AEST) and 5:00pm (BST)

This workshop examines the concept of 'mechanism' and how it is used in realist inquiry in the context-mechanism-outcome configuration. Mechanism has been defined by Pawson and Tilley as how people respond to resources. It is not uncommon for people applying realist principles to data analyses to experience confusion around the definition and use of this central concept.
In this workshop we will look at the origins of the mechanism concept for social science and the various ways in which it has been defined and operationalized in the key realist evaluation literature. Participants will also explore usages of the CMO configuration and how mechanisms fit therein. We will discuss how to optimally theorize and test mechanisms, and to understand their transferability to other settings and contexts. 





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