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Dear Colleagues,

I will be hosting a 2.5 hour online workshop: Incorporating Middle-Range Theory in Realist Evaluation and Synthesis on May 23rd 2019 at 12:00pm (AEST) and again at 5:00pm (BST). The workshop is open to anyone.

The workshop will explain the role and importance of middle-range theory (MRT) for theory-driven inquiry and the various ways it can be incorporated, developed, adapted and tested in applications of realist methodology. There will be optional one-to-one consultation sessions one week following the workshop.

For a more detailed description including registration information, or to register please visit




Justin Jagosh, Ph.D

Director, Centre for Advancement in Realist Evaluation and Synthesis (CARES)


Honorary Research Associate

Institute for Psychology, Health and Society

University of Liverpool, UK



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