The fourteenth British Computer Society Machine Intelligence Competition 2019 - Call for Entries


The British Computer Society Specialist Group on Artificial Intelligence (SGAI) invites entries for the 2019 BCS Machine Intelligence Competition, which will be held as part of  the Group's one-day event Real AI 2019 (


The fourteenth in a series of BCS Machine Intelligence competitions for live demonstrations of applications that show 'progress towards machine intelligence' will be held on Friday October 4th 2019 at the BCS London Office, First Floor, The Davidson Building, 5 Southampton Street, London. The winner will receive a cash prize plus a trophy.

The prize will be awarded on the basis of a 10-15 minute live demonstration (not a paper, not a technical description). The demonstration can be of either software (e.g. a question-answering system or a speech recognition system) or hardware (e.g. a mobile robot).


Full details of the competition and an online entry form are available on the website. There is no entry fee but competitors will be asked to meet their own costs. The closing date is SUNDAY JUNE 30TH 2019. Early entry is strongly advised.


Attendance at the competition is free of charge for those attending Real AI 2019. All those attending will be eligible to vote for the winning entry.


Ms. Nadia Abouayoub (BCS SGAI) email: [log in to unmask]
Prof. Max Bramer (Chair, SGAI) email: [log in to unmask]


Professor Max Bramer

Vice-President, International Federation for Information Processing
Emeritus Professor, School of Computing, University of Portsmouth, UK
Chair, British Computer Society Specialist Group on Artificial Intelligence

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