

Hello all

Can I tell you about our work shop:

Surveillance in the Digital Society
Keynote speaker

Ben Light, Professor of Digital Society, University of Salford, Manchester, UK.

Relevant dates

The Workshop will be held on June 11 at Kista Campus, Stockholm University
Submissions due by April 15
Replies by April 25

Submission guidelines

All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference except for the ECIS 2019 main conference. It is okay to submit a short version of a paper that has been submitted to ECIS, regardless of whether it has been accepted or rejected.

All papers should be in PDF format and may not exceed 4 pages (references are excluded from this page count).

The format is meant to encourage reflective discussions between researchers interested in surveillance in the digital society. Submissions will be screened but not reviewed, and we will apply a generous policy in this “first round” and accept all papers that fall within the theme/scope of the workshop.

Submit your papers here:

Questions could be sent to: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

The purpose with the workshop

A half-day workshop that will consist of a keynote speaker and presentation of accepted papers in a round table fashion. The workshop should be seen as a springboard for ideas and early-stage manuscripts. The format is meant to encourage reflective discussions between researchers interested in surveillance in the digital society. The workshop will target junior and established academics that are attending ECIS, and we particularly encourage early career and PhD students to submit. Submissions will be screened but not reviewed, and we will apply a generous policy in this “first round” and accept all papers that fall within the above stated theme/scope of the workshop.

All the best

Send from my iPhone probably while I'm walking so double the apologies for typos.

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