

Dear SPM Users,

I used CONN version 17a, then 17f as SPM12 toolboxes running under Matlab
R2017b on a Linux machine.
Everything was running properly for a while but recently, everything I
process in 17f as ROI-to-ROI is frozen in a stage of explorer results.
Initially, I thought that's a memory issue because I had hundreds of
Recently I looked at a small group of 20 participants and the same issue
appears again. After I select a couple of options in the explorer results,
CONN becomes frozen (especially after I manually defined a set of ROI and
selected them). It's not possible anymore to see the 3D representation or
to analyse the table as before.
Then I decided to do everything in CONN 18b as SPM12(7487) toolbox running
under Matlab R2017b on a Linux. But unfortunately, the software is frozen
even earlier, when I have to enter the smoothing kernel in the preprocesing

I need to mention that I have all three versions of CONN (conn17a, 17f and
18b) saved in the "toolbox" of SPM12.

Please find below the error description:


Error using figure
First argument must be a figure object or a positive Integer
Error in conn_menumanager (line 289)
Error in conn (line 1465)
conn_menumanager clf;
Error in conn (line 1085)
conn gui_setup;
Error in conn_menumanager (line 120)
SPM12 + BrainNet DEM FieldMap LST MEEGtools conn conn17a conn17f
Matlab v.2017b
project: CONN18.b
storage: 1705.8Gb available
spm @ /usr/local/spm/12.0
conn @ /usr/local/spm/12.0/toolbox/conn"

Do you have any suggestions? I would be happy to see 18b working.
Thank you very much in advance.
