Truly startling. Thank you indeed.
On 21 Mar. 2019, at 11:03 am, George Simmers <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

I was looking through the 1918 copies of the London Evening paper, the Star, at the British Library yesterday (on a quest quite unrelated to Kipling) when I came across an advertisement for War Bonds, quoting Kipling at his most grim and dramatic:

'We are fighting that we may not be herded into actual slavery, such as the Germans have established by force of their arms in large parts of Europe.
We are fighting against eighteen hours a day forced labour under the lash at the point of the bayonet, with a dog's death and a dog's burial at the end of it...'

And so on.

The complete advertisement is on my blog at:

Since I had never come across this impassioned piece by Kipling before, I suspected that it might also be new to other members of the mailing list, so thought it worth sharing here.


George Simmers's research blog is at

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