

There will be a 47th or more  2-Day Training in BNIM interviewing in London
as above. 2 days for 6 people. Very intensive, thorough and normally but
who knows very successful!
I attach a flyer if interested

(*Only) if interested in BNIM,the Biographical-Narrative Interpretive
Method * approach to qualitative research interviewing, is the following

*STOP PRESS! *There  will be a *2-Day Training Intensive in BNIM
Interviewing in London on November 14th and 15th*  *2019.*  D*o contact me
if you might be interested. *

*STOP PRESS! I've just been notified*  by RESEARCHGATE (see below) that
they think that my *BNIM Short Guide* published in January 2018 has now
(March 2019) been read over 800 times. If they're right, that means an
average in the last 15 months of over *two people per day finding out about
BNIM.*  Amazing. [Or it may be statistical gobbledygook].

In any case.....

*JUST PUBLISHED* (November 2018): '*BNIM and the unconscious in
psychosocietal research'*, in Kalina Stamenova and R.D.Hinshelwood (eds)
'Methods of research into the unconscious: applying psychoanalytic ideas to
social science' (London: Routledge). *LOTS OF GOOD OTHER CHAPTERS TOO!*

*PUBLISHED A LITTLE EARLIER* (2013) *'Biography-using research (BNIM),
Sostris, institutional regimes and critical psycho-societal realism'  *in
Jeffrey Tirk and Adam Mrozowicki (eds.) 'Realist biography and European
policy (Leuven: Leuven University Press)


*A lot of material about BNIM is available from my page at RESEARCHGATE. *
This now includes the *Quick Outline Sketch, *the *Short Guide, * the *Detailed
Manuals, *and a *BNIM Bibliography. *
Also several articles and papers.
Do feel free to consult and use the RESEARCHGATE facility.

Quite separately, *I would be very pleased to receive and respond to  any
comments or questions* that you may have about those materials or  more
generally about BNIM.


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