

Great question, look forward to the answers.

Particularly keen to see how those who aren’t national museums (ie museums who can’t do quality AND quantity) are responding to this...




Mike Ellis

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On 11 Mar 2019, 16:37 +0000, Katie Moffat <[log in to unmask]>, wrote:
Obviously contenders are Wellcome Collection and Science Museum. Also, the Royal Academy and I like how the Minneapolis Institute of Art approach it.


On Mon, Mar 11, 2019 at 4:29 PM Kelly Forbes <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Hi all,


Off the back of Mike’s excellent discussion 2 weeks ago on the rationale for quantity versus quality in a digitised collection. Does anyone have any examples of who’s getting this right at the moment?


Is there anyone hitting that sweet spot between understanding audience needs/desires, adding to the narrative around your collection and an online catalogue of metadata? Or is this a Venn diagram where you have no choice but to pick the online catalogue and maybe pick one other “nice to have”?


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Kelly Forbes

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Katie Moffat 
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