

Call for participation: LILG 2019: Learning Information Literacy across the Globe

Call for participation:
###  Learning Information Literacy across the Globe (LILG 2019)

DIPF, Frankfurt am Main, 10th of May 2019

Your are invited to participate to the inter-disciplinary conference between information-science, education-technology and psychology. 

Registration is open and guaranteed till the end of March. It is done at no price.

The programme is made of three keynotes:

* Jannica Heinstrom on flow and stigma in everyday information mastering of youth
* Jan Schneider on supporting the learning process with interactive technologies
* Stefan Dreisiebner introducing the ILO-MOOC

and eight full papers have been accepted:

* Trudi Jacobson, Thomas Mackey and Kelsey O'Brien, Developing Metaliterate Citizens: Designing and Delivering Enhanced Global Learning Opportunities
* Andrew Whitworth and Lee Webster, Digital and information literacy as discursive mapping of an information landscape
* Angela Fessl, Sabine Barthold, Ilija Simic and Viktoria Pammer-Schindler, Concept and development of an Information Literacy Curriculum Widget
* Shirley Chiu-Wing Wong and Johnny Yuen The InfoLit Project (2015-18): A collaboration among eight university libraries in Hong Kong
* Stefan Jongen, Jaro Pichel, Frederike Vernimmen-de Jong and Harm Hospers, Analysing Informed Learning at Maastricht University
* Helena Keck and Tamara Heck, Improving tagging literacy to enhance metadata and retrieval for open educational resources
* Dennis Kim-Prieto, Wither Information Literacy?
* Paul Libbrecht, Stefan Dreisiebner, Björn Buchal and Anna Polzer, Creating a Multilingual MOOC Content for Information Literacy: A Workflow

Registration is open on the website and runs through easychair. Please see the website for travelling advice to Frankfurt.

The conference is financed thanks to the ILO EU project which makes it possible that the registration is free. 

We look forward to meeting you in Frankfurt on May 10th!

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