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Reading for Pleasure in Further and Higher Education

“If you don’t like to read, you haven’t found the right book.” – J.K. Rowling


ARLG Northern are pleased to announce an exciting event on 29th March 2019 at Middlesbrough College. Don’t miss out!


As Librarians we often focus on our student’s academic information literacies, but the past few years have given rise to a growing trend across the sector to nurture their love of extra-curricular reading. ARLG Northern are bringing together a range of practitioners from across the country in this day event designed to investigate the benefits of reading for pleasure.


Government research backs what librarians have known for years – reading for pleasure boosts personal development and academic performance. Find out how academic librarians can get students reading.


Are you a School librarian looking to increase your students’ engagement with reading? Our Read! event will be exploring initiatives used to promote reading for pleasure in academic libraries.


Ideal for Secondary, FE and HE academic librarians alike, this workshop is a chance to pick up ideas to incorporate into your teaching and any promotional activities.


Cost: CILIP members £80 + VAT; Non CILIP members £100 + VAT

(Lunch and refreshments included).


Could non-curricula reading improve your students’ engagement with their studies? Our speakers think so…


Speakers confirmed from:


Queen Elizabeth 6th Form College Darlington

Teesside University

Newcastle University

Ponteland High School

Huddersfield University

Kingston University


To register: https://bit.ly/2UjiBbt



Kind regards


Patricia Crosier


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