

Yes I'd certainly be interested. There's something on the same topic in this week's THE. 

My position is that I'm 73 so I am hardly interested in a PhD as a career move. However I am actively developing a research programme on academic reading. I hope to publish/present on every possible occasion because it helps me focus my thoughts and I also very much value the input of peers.  To my mind feedback from peers is  likely to be much more stimulating than that of a supervisor who I am bound to fall out with anyway.

The conventional  doctoral programme seems to be something like a medieval apprenticeship. Also I have worked with  a number  of young PhD candidates and  too many of them suffered from unnecessary mental health problems. This not how I want to spend my seventies.

At the same time a Doctorate does give a kind of focus  even closure to one's research endeavours.  So I am interested in hearing the ideas of others.

Christina Healey

PS Where and when is the EATAW Conference this year?

On Fri, 15 Mar 2019 at 09:29, Kristin Solli <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Dear colleagues,


Would you like to join us in a roundtable discussion about the emergence of the article-based thesis? We are proposing a roundtable at this year’s EATAW conference and would like to invite more participants to join the discussion.  Our roundtable is taking its point of departure in how the article-based thesis (or “PhD by compilation,” or “thesis by publication”), after being well established in the STEM fields, is now becoming increasingly common in the humanities, social sciences and professional fields. Yet, this development is not without controversy, and we would like to explore some of the different ways of thinking about this genre. Some key questions we would like to explore in the roundtable are:

  • How do the controversies surrounding the article-based thesis reflect larger debates about the role of doctoral education?
  • What are some of the different views on this genre across geographical, disciplinary, and institutional contexts?
  • What kind of support can writing specialists provide to doctoral students, supervisors and doctoral programs that use this dissertation format?


We currently have participants from Scandinavia, but wish to broaden the conversation to include voices from other contexts. We are thus particularly looking for participants who could speak to developments and discussions about this dissertation format in other parts of the world. Please get in touch by replying to if you would like to join us!


Best,  Lynn P. Nygaard and Kristin Solli


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