Dear all,


Please find below an invitation to CAMEo’s upcoming salon.


Kind regards,




Artists as Workers: Art, Labour and Activism


April 3rd, 5:30-7:30 pm, LCB Depot, Leicester

A salon hosted by CAMEo Research Institute for Cultural and Media Economies, University of Leicester


What are the challenges faced by artists in the workplace? How can artists organise to stand against unfair practices and generate other ways of working and of valuing artistic work? And can collective artistic practice create new ways of being in the world? Join us for a discussion on art and work followed by the launch of the paperback edition of the book artWORK: Art, Labour and Activism (Rowman & Littlefield International).

Angela Kennedy (Artists’ Union England)

Daniel Mutibwa (University of Nottingham)
Alberto Cossu (University of Leicester)
Jessica Holtaway (Solent University)
Paula Serafini (University of Leicester)


Free event, all welcome.


Facebook event:



Dr Paula Serafini

Research Associate

CAMEo Research Institute for Cultural and Media Economies

University of Leicester


New book: Performance Action: The Politics of Art Activism, out now in hardback and eBook.



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