

I am an independent researcher of esotericism. I received my PhD from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. My dissertation was published - https://www.amazon.com/Alchemical-Imagery-Works-Quirinus-Kuhlmann/dp/1940964016. I am an author of a number of articles on history of esotericism. Some of them can be found here - https://independent.academia.edu/EKuzmin


I have written a small book about a rite from the famous magic text Sefer Raziel ha-Malakh (first published in 1701). I have discovered many parallels to it throughout Europe and Middle East from Antiquity to nowadays. The main topic is "What is occult tradition?"

That is not normal way to search for a publisher, but I'll try it. If somebody would like to consider the publishing of the text, I would be glad to receive a letter from him.


Best wishes,


Dr. Eugene Kuzmin




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