

Thank you for your response Tom, much appreciated. I have requested this feature in GitHub so hopefully it will appear in a future version.
In the short term I can do some manipulation in Excel to create a column with the student ID

-----Original Message-----
From: WebPA <[log in to unmask]> On Behalf Of Stephen P Vickers
Sent: 08 February 2019 11:25
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Transferring grades into Canvas gradebook

If there is a bug in the existing code then I would recommend reporting it in the Github repository.


On 08/02/19 09:58, Tom Salyers wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 7, 2019 at 5:07 PM Bruce, Stephen <[log in to unmask]
> <mailto:[log in to unmask]>> wrote:
>     Should have tested before sending!
>     I can get the student IDs matching as that's an LTI setting in
>     Moodle, but the export csv still concatenates the names and IDs in a
>     single cell. Grateful for any suggestions on how the export format
>     can be changed.
>     Stephen
> Hi, Stephen.
> I don't know how comfortable you might be with PHP (I'm a novice at
> best myself), but it looks like the code responsible for generating
> the CSV files is all in \tutors\assessments\reports\. For instance,
> there's this bit in report_student_grades.php that starts around line 228:
>     echo("\"{$member['lastname']}, {$member['forename']} (");
>      if (!empty($member['id_number'])) {
>        echo($member['id_number']);
>      } else {
>        echo($member['username']);
>      }
> echo(")\",\"$score\",\"$intermediate_grade\",\"$penalty_str\",\"$grade
> \"\n");
> ...where it's just tacking the ID number or username onto the end of
> the name, which is of course what you're seeing. You'd need to change
> it to insert a comma and quotes around the number/name, and add the
> field to the header (which gets generated about fifteen lines before).
> There are a couple of other files where it does something similar, but
> that's the first one I came across. As an alternative, though, you
> /might /be able to use a regular expression to separate the IDs from
> the names. I'd have to see a sample/test CSV to be sure, though.
> I hope that helps you out at least a bit.
> --
> Tom Salyers
> VLE Developer
> The University of Sheffield
> Corporate Information & Computing Services (CiCS)
> 10-12 Brunswick Street
> Sheffield, S10 2FN
> Tel:  0114 222 1141
> [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
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