

Hi SMPers,

I have a question about conversion of some PET data to NIFTI to use in SPM.
I have imaged pigeon's brain by using small animal Siemens MicroPET R4.
Pigeons were placed on the bed in supine position. The format of the PET
data is Concorde and based on the way pigeon's were placed pigeon (supine
position), the right side of image is left brain. so, the PET images in
Concorde format are in radiological convention. I converted the images to
NIFTI format by using Amide software to use them in SPM but the problem is
that when I display the NIFTI format of the images in Amide software, the
orientation is not like the output of Concorde! it seems that the right and
up side of the image in Concorde is on the left and bottom side of the
image in NIFTI format!!!Also, when I display the NIFTI images in SPM is
again in another orientation that I can not understand what happen! MRIcro
does not supported the Concorde format.I don't know how to deal with this
problem. I was wondering if you tell me what should I do to have the
orientation of NIFTI like Concorde format that I can be able to distinguish
left and right brain hemisphere?

