

Dear all

I wonder if any one working in a food or lab  area could assist me. One of my clients has been testing employees hands periodically for Coagulase Positive Staphylococci. They have undertaken this as a quality control mechanism.
The samples are collected from hands and sent to a lab for processing.
I was not aware this was taking place. Recently one employee " failed" the hand swab test with a reading of over 20 ????

The big issue is that they have no policy directing them on actions in this event!! Who would undertake  test without an unambiguous policy around how to deal with a fail? Well my clients apparently.
Now the issue is is the employee fit for role- the most recent swab was negative.

The test lab suggested seeing if the employee was a carrier but the infection control consultant says it could be the employee or any household member who is a carrier-my usual lab says this is not an area they can advise on- the Occupational hygienist I work with says outwith his field of expertise. 

The situation is not of my making but I would not like to see someone  lose their job unnecessarily  so as a final resort I am asking if anyone in jiscmail land has the answer - and perhaps access to a specialist who could write up a procedure

To avoid clogging in boxes happy to be contacted directly on [log in to unmask]

Many thanks

Lynda Bruce

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