There are only a few days left to the deadline of ICOHTEC's call for papers for the next ICOHTEC Symposium in Katowice, Poland (22-27 July 2019). 

The main theme is "Technology and Power", the Kranzberg lecuture will be given by

Dagmar Schäfer, Max Plank Institute for the History of Science, Berlin

Paper and session proposals on other subjects of hisory of technology are wellcome as well.

Please fid the cfp on: 


If you have in your mind to give a paper please send in a proposal until 18 February 2019.

Please visit 

and find the link to the submission system.


This year we organise a Summer School (18-21 July 2019) focused on the Technology and power.

Please visit

The deadline for application is  4 March 2019

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