Dear Jan,

I apologise for the shameless self-promotion but your work reminds me a lot of a paper I recently co-authored on the use of TRACER on the Summa contra Gentiles of Thomas Aquinas. 
If you’re interested, the paper is available at: 
And all of the data is here:

The list of synonyms we fed TRACER was automatically created from the Latin WordNet and is available for reuse here:
The WordNet's coverage of Latin is rather limited but it’s a starting point. The most recent paper about it (in Italian) is: 

Stefano Minozzi. 2017. Latin WordNet, una rete di conoscenza semantica per il latino e alcune ipotesi di utilizzo nel campo dell’Information Retrieval. In Paolo Mastandrea, editor, Strumenti digitali e collaborativi per le Scienze dell’Antichità, number 14 in Antichistica, pages 123–134. http://doi. org/10.14277/6969-182-9/ANT-14-10.

Hope this helps!

Kind regards,

Greta Franzini
Postdoctoral Researcher
LiLa: Linking Latin [ERC n. 769994]:
+39 02 72342954 | [log in to unmask] | 

CIRCSE Research Centre: 
Facoltà di Scienze Linguistiche e Letterature Straniere
Franciscanum Building, 2nd Floor, room 209
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Largo Gemelli 1,
20123 Milan, Italy

Umanistica Digitale Journal: 
Associazione per l’Informatica Umanistica e la Cultura Digitale (AIUCD): 

On 12 febbraio 2019 a 15:21:21, Reitzner, Jan ([log in to unmask]) scritto:

Hello everyone!

My name is Jan Reitzner, I am a research associate at the university of Goettingen and doing research on the use of the latin Apophthegmata Patrum in the writings of authors of 11th and 12th century, especially Peter the Venerable and Bernard. To detect the text reuse in the latin works I am using Tracer from eTrap and LemLat 3.0 for Lemmatisation. Are there any further or better language ressources you could recommend me? Currently I am especially eager to find good synonym files for this task.

I would be very thankful for every piece of advice!


Jan Reitzner

DFG-Projekt "Apophthegmata Patrum"

Theologische Fakultät

Platz der Göttinger Sieben 2 (Zimmer 1.117)
D-37073 Göttingen 
Tel.: 0551-39-22218
Fax: 0551-39-26283

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