

The application deadline is approaching – only two weeks left!





3rd Summer School on Methods for Computational Social Science

Methods for Analyzing Multimedia Data

July 22–27, 2019

Akademie Berlin-Schmöckwitz, Berlin, Germany

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Twitter: @cs2_school, #cs2_school



Application deadline: March 13, 2019 (midnight GMT)

Notifications: April 3, 2019

Summer School: July 22–27, 2019



The third summer school of this series will focus on methods for analyzing multimedia data (e.g. computer vision methods, spatial and temporal analysis of urban spaces via multimedia content analysis, spreading and mutation models for multimedia content). We have invited outstanding speakers from different disciplines that will teach different methods and show how multimedia data can be used to answer interesting research questions that are relevant for the social sciences and gain insights into cultural phenomena like social orientation and its expression for instance in urban spaces, images and art. Students will conduct small projects in which they will apply the newly learned methods and will be supervised by the invited speakers.

We will offer full financial support for up to 10 students (or early career researchers). Students have to apply for the travel grants and a committee of experts will select scholars based on academic excellence, financial needs and diversity (e.g. gender, ethnic and disciplinary diversity).


Luca Maria Aiello, Nokia Bell Labs

Andreu Casas, New York University

Sandra González-Bailón, University of Pennsylvania

Jackelyn Hwang, Stanford University

Mauro Martino, IBM Research AI & Northeastern University

Yelena Mejova, ISI Foundation

Miriam Redi, Wikimedia Foundation

Maximilian Schich, UT Dallas Arts & Technology

Björn W. Schuller, University of Augsburg & Imperial College London


Claudia Wagner, GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences & University of Koblenz-Landau

Nicola Perra, Greenwich University

Emilio Ferrara, University of Southern California

Michael Macy, Cornell University


Please submit your motivation letter (one page max), CV, and publication list in one PDF file via EasyChair:

The school is open to anyone interested in learning about Computational Social Science. The aim is to bring together an heterogeneous international group of people. However, we have a limited number of places for participants. That means everyone needs to apply (also if you have your own funding).


Registration fee for the summer school is 100 EUR. Lunch, coffee breaks and a social event are included.


Please indicate in your motivation letter if you would like to apply for a travel grant which will cover your registration fee, accommodation for the whole week and basic travel costs. Please note that travel grants are intended for students.

Please also indicate if you will only participate if you receive the travel grant or if we should also consider your application for normal positions if no travel grants are left. Students with travel grant will have to share rooms.

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