

Dear Members and Friends,

This is a reminder of the fast approaching deadline to send nominations for the role of ARLIS UK & Ireland Chair Elect who will take up the position as Chair 2019-2021 at the next AGM in May 2019. Closing date for applications is Monday 25th February. Please do not hesitate to contact me at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> should you have any queries or for an informal chat.

If you would like to be nominated, please find a proposer and a seconder to sign the nomination form.

If you have a candidate in mind, please make sure the candidate agrees and find a seconder to fill in and sign the relevant parts of the nomination form.

Nominees, proposers and seconders must be either personal members or named institutional representatives of an institution member of ARLIS UK & Ireland.
If you are interested but are not presently a member, please contact our Membership Secretary Rebecca Daniels [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> or see the relevant membership information on our Website

Closing date for applications is Monday 25th February. Please email your applications to the ARLIS UK & Ireland Hon Secretary, Amanda Russell [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>  should you like, you can password-protect the application, if you do so, please remember to send your password to the Hon Secretary.

Please find attached:

*        Nomination Form

*        Chair Elect Role Description

*        Chair Role Description

Should we receive only one nomination, the candidate will be notified by the Hon Secretary in the afternoon of Friday 1st March.

Should we receive more than one nomination, online voting will be open to the membership. Members will receive the biography and election statement for each candidate on Wed 27th March, voting will close on Wed 10th April and results will be made public in the afternoon of Friday 26th April.

The Chair Elect will be invited to attend the pre-AGM Officers and Council meetings and will become Chair at the May 2019 AGM.

As you know the Society has been through some difficult times in the past 3 years or so, but we are now getting back to normal and we foresee that from the 2019 AGM onwards we will be way out of our emergency period and in a position of establishing annual schedules that we will be able to maintain.

Ideally in the future, the nomination of the Chair Elect will take place much earlier (see Chair Elect Role description), and a Chair Elect will be taking up their role at the AGM of the year before taking up the two years position as Chair of the Society.

The Officers and Council have been revising the Society's Handbook at the light of all the later major changes. The revised Handbook will be presented at the forthcoming AGM. The Handbook will guide the Society to get back on following achievable schedules now that there are enough Officers and Council Members to implement them.

We have been very lucky to recruit very dedicated, skilled and efficient Officers: Hon Treasurer, Hon Secretary and Membership Secretary, who are also Trustees of the Society, and the new role of Minute Secretary. We will also shortly be recruiting for the new role of Operational Treasurer.

Our finances, thanks to the Art Library Journal now being published by Cambridge University Press and providing a sizable steady income, and the exceptional income from the 2018 London Conference, are very sound and allow us to sail confidently into the future.

Although the number of Committees has been drastically reduced, the two remaining Committees have recruited new members and are planning future activities.

The 2019 50th Anniversary Conference Working Party has the organisation of the Glasgow conference well in hand and progress has been made towards the organisation of the 2020 annual conference.

Council (and many passed Officers and Members), have done an amazing job supporting this Chair in the very hard transition period when we had only one officer, but we have now returned to operate normally.

The New Chair Elect can look forward to become the Chair of a very healthy Society being supported by a full deck of efficient, dedicated and enthusiastic Officers and Council and very healthy and strong finances.

ARLIS UK & Ireland Council and Officers are hoping that someone will enthusiastically embrace this opportunity to lead ARLIS UK & Ireland for the next two years, looking forward to an experience they will find enriching and exciting and a great addition to their CPD.

With very best wishes,

Carla Marchesan
Chair, ARLIS UK & Ireland,
[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]><>

Librarian and Tutor
The Prince's Foundation and Royal Drawing School
T: +44(0)20 7613 8507
19-22 Charlotte Road, London EC2A 3SG

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