

I am so sorry to hear of Anne's passing. She was such an energetic, meticulous researcher and a generous colleague. 

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.-------- Original message --------From: Christine Lefèvre <[log in to unmask]> Date: 21/01/2019  08:08  (GMT+00:00) To: [log in to unmask] Subject: [ZOOARCH] Anne Tresset passed over 

    Dear all,
    We am very sad
        to inform you that Anne Tresset passed over last Thursday
        evening, exhausted by
        a long struggle against a terrible cancer. During these last
        five years, we
        believed several times that she had definitely conquered this
        ugly crab. No
        Tresset was 55. Her PhD (1996) dealt with the “role
          of human / animal relationships in the economic and cultural
          evolution of
          societies from the 5th to the 4th millennia in the Paris
          Basin”. She spent two post-doctoral
          years in Edinburgh as an associate visitor of the International
          Social Sciences Institute. In 2000, she became a CNRS researcher then
        a Director of research, in
        the lab of archaeozoology and archaeobotany of the National
        Natural of History
        Museum in Paris.
    During the
        last 20 years, she strongly participated in the expansion of the
        community of archaeozoologists. She played an active part in the
        development of
        new analytical techniques for archaeozoology, especially stable
        palaeogenetics and morphometrics. She contributed
        to create relevant synergies between the different specialists,
        leading to an
        enriched and refined vision of the processes of domestication
        and of the
        complex interactions between climate, humans and animal
        communities on small
        islands. She developed many researches on the Neolithic and
        island biogeography
        in Brittany and the British islands, in the North of France and
        in Romania.
        During the last few years, she initiated a project on the small
        islands in
        North China, and devoted a large part of the time that her
        illness left her to work
        on the origin of European dogs. She recently published an
        important paper about
        that question (
    Anne was a very
          strong and enthusiastic person,
          who passionately put herself into everything she undertook.
          The French
          community and the numerous collaborators she had in numerous
          places of the
          world are very sad.
    Jean-Denis Vigne
          and Christine Lefèvre
Christine Lefèvre
Dr HDR, Professeur

UMR 7209 « Archéozoologie, archéobotanique : sociétés, pratiques et environnements »

Chargée de conservation des collections ostéologiques d'Anatomie comparée
Responsable scientifique des collections de Vertébrés

Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle - CNRS (InEE)
Département  Homme et Environnement
Bâtiments d'Anatomie comparée, CP 55
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tel : 33 (0)1 40 79 32 84 - fax : 33 (0)1 40 79 33 14



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