

Dear Ariadna,

I think they are some issues here

My questions are:
a) FWEp would be then different for each small volume. Is this okay?

FWE based on Gaussian fields is using the topology of A map to compute corrections - now if you do several SVC you use different maps but in reality related to each other; so your FWE type 1 error will increase -- this is the same as doing many tests without correcting in a way. What I would suggest, is the create a mask of all regions of interest at once (but the mask cannot come from the same data or contrast, if based on the same data, the contrast used to make the regions must e orthogonal to the one tested see and apply this either during estimation or while checking results.

see for a good overview

b) How would you describe this procedure in the method section?
c) At the peak-level, Pfwe-corr=0.03. How should I report this result? “Small volume correction analysis revealed a significant activation pFWE= 0.03 OR pSVC= 0.03?”

this is Small volume correction analysis revealed a significant activation pFWE= 0.03 since RFT is used


> Dear all, I followed the procedure described here in order to do small volume correction (
> and I would have a few questions:
> (1) I selected the constrast, p value adjustment to control: “none”, threshold: “0.001”; extent threshold: 0.
> (2) I defined my small volume.
> (3) I looked at FWEp at the bottom up the results table. In my case FWEp: 4.963.
> (4)I reloaded the contrast, p value adjustment to control: “none”, threshold: “4.963”; extent threshold: 0.
> (5)I defined my small volume like in (2) and found that at the peak-level: Pfwe-corr=0.030.
> Is this alright?
> My questions are:
> a) FWEp would be then different for each small volume. Is this okay?
> b) How would you describe this procedure in the method section?
> c) At the peak-level, Pfwe-corr=0.03. How should I report this result? “Small volume correction analysis revealed a significant activation pFWE= 0.03 OR pSVC= 0.03?”
> Thank you in advance,

Dr Cyril Pernet,
Senior Academic Fellow
Neuroimaging Sciences

Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences
Chancellor's Building, Room GU426D
The University of Edinburgh
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