

Job Advertisement: Closing Date 15th February 2019

PhD (via MPhil) Studentships in Astronomy or Astrophysics

Expected start date 1 October 2019

Applications are invited for three full time PhD (via MPhil) studentships in Astronomy or Astrophysics in the Jeremiah Horrocks Institute.  The studentships are tenable for 3.5 years full-time (subject to satisfactory progress) and will cover the cost of tuition fees at UK/EU rates together with a maintenance grant (GBP 14777 per year 2018/19 rates) for eligible applicants.

Two of the studentships are funded by the Science and Technologies Facilities Council (STFC) and are therefore restricted by STFC residence requirements, meaning that international applicants are not eligible to be considered for these two studentships. EU applicants may be eligible for payment of tuition fees only depending on their residential status.

The third studentship is funded by the Moses Holden Fellowship and is open to both UK/EU and international applicants.  International applicants will be required to pay the difference between the UK/EU and international tuition fee rate. A maintenance grant (GBP 14777 2018/19 rates) will be paid.

The successful applicants will be required to comply with the terms of the funding.

Project Description

The Jeremiah Horrocks Institute is pleased to announce the availability of three new PhD Studentships in Astronomy or Astrophysics.

The projects will be in one of the following areas, depending on the preference of the student ranked highest on the list of applicants (ranking will be carried out by JHI staff based on application forms, references, and interviews of short-listed candidates):

1. Radio studies of galaxies across cosmic time (Dr. Megan Argo)

2. Investigating the rotation of sunspots with the Solar Dynamics Observatory (Dr. Daniel Brown)

3. Parsec-scale jets in Active Galactic Nuclei (Dr. Tim Cawthorne)

4. The large-scale structure of the early universe (Dr. Roger Clowes)

5. Modelling the formation of the Milky Way in the era of GAIA (Prof. Victor Debattista)

6. Solar Energetic Particles and Space Weather (Prof. Silvia Dalla)

7. Compact Stellar Systems & The Formation of Galaxies (Dr. Mark Norris)

8. Modelling the multi-wavelength SEDs of galaxies (Prof. Cristina C. Popescu)

9. Stellar populations and chemical enrichment in galaxies (Dr. Anne Sansom)

10. The formation of gas giant exoplanets (Dr. Dimitris Stamatellos)

11. Determining the fine structure of the solar corona (Prof. Robert Walsh)

12. Observational Star Formation (Prof. Derek Ward-Thompson)

These projects are suggested opportunities offered by JHI staff. If you would like more details or would like to discuss something else related to their field of study, then please contact us directly.

Candidates should have (or expect to hold) a UK Bachelor of Science degree at 2:1 or above in a related area (or equivalent qualification), or a Masters level qualification (e.g. MSc or MPhys).

International and EU applicants require an English Language level of UKVI IELTs 6.5 (no sub-score below 6.0) or equivalent qualification.

Further information

For informal discussion, please email Prof. Derek Ward-Thompson ([log in to unmask] ) or Prof. Cristina Popescu ([log in to unmask] ). For further information, see:

For the application form and full details go to:

Completed application forms should be returned to the Research Student Registry via email at [log in to unmask], quoting the studentship reference number: RS/19/01. If you are interested in a specific project, please state clearly which one on your application.

Closing date: 15th of February 2019
Interview date: 28th of February 2019


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