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Hi all

I hope you've had a good start to the year.

Last year I set up the Realist PhD Network (again, apologies for the number of emails that generated...).

Slack isn't working as a medium so we're moving it to JISCMail. If you're interested in joining or were previously part of the Slack group, you can join it here: or search for "realist-phd" on the JISCMail site.

The idea of the network is to enable PhD students to find other PhDs in similar geographical or topic areas for peer support, and for discussions about the methodology, training, or thesis writing/reading (particularly as lots of PhD students are without supervisors/teams with experience in the methodology, but also feel they don't want to email the whole rameses list with questions).

Here's to a good year of realist PhD-ing and researching! (And please don't forget to remove the rameses email address if you reply...)


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