
Moving into Management

21st & 22nd February 2019


Progressing into management is both exciting and daunting. Suddenly you are responsible for directing and managing your peer group. You may get less opportunity to focus on your specialism and now be expected to direct your attention toward helping others to get things done.

How do you harness the power of a team?
Motivate others?
eal with challenges?


This interesting and engaging two-day course will provide an insight as to what it means to be a manager. Attendees range from those who want to know whether management is really for them to those who have just started out in a management role for the first time and are looking for an all-round basic introduction to the skills they will need.


Organisations are looking for managers who enjoy working with people, building team morale and effective systems. They want you to enjoy your job. The skill sets for management are quite different to subject matter expertise, so it is important to go into this opportunity with eyes wide open!


This course will provide you with a ‘Day in the Life of a Manager’ and will equip you with the chance to decide whether management is for you, and to develop and practice the key skills of an effective first time manager.


Please see the cpd25 event page for the booking form and further programme information.



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Staff Development and Training programme of the 

M25 Consortium of Academic Libraries


M25 Consortium of Academic Libraries

Room 653

Senate House Library

Malet Street

London WC1E 7HU

Tel: 0207 863 6082

Web: www.m25lib.ac.uk

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