for a topical issue of Open Theology

Digital Humanities in Biblical Studies and Theology

(second call)


Edited by: 

Dr. Claire Clivaz, Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (Lausanne, CH), Vital-IT

Dr. Garrick V. Allen, Dublin City University (Ireland) 



"Open Theology" ( invites submissions for the topical issue "Digital Humanities in Biblical Studies and Theology".


The topic comprises all topics related to the digitization of biblical and theological studies, from theoretical or epistemological thoughts to the presentation of digital projects. For this special issue, we encourage contributions that consider the history of biblical studies or systematic theology, and explain that ways in which the transition to the digital media will (or will not) affect the definition and the practices of these disciplines. We also encourage systematic contributions that deal with new digital challenges such as serendipity vs teleology, or intent of the users vs intentio auctoris or operis, or artificial intelligence vs divine providence. Finally, we encourage contributions that focus on Bible and digital media, particularly digital storytelling and multimedia biblical narratives.


Authors publishing their articles in the topical issue will benefit from:

- transparent, comprehensive and fast peer review,

- an efficient route to fast-track publication and full advantage of De Gruyter Open’s e-technology,

- free language assistance for authors from non-English speaking regions.


Publication costs should be covered by Article Processing Charges (APC) paid by authors, their affiliated institutions, funders or sponsors. To view funding opportunities to cover APC please visit
Authors who would like to apply for discounts or free publication are asked to contact Managing Editor of the journal Dr. Katarzyna Tempczyk ([log in to unmask]) before submission of articles.



Submissions will be collected till May 31, 2019 
via the on-line submission system at:

Choose as article type: “Topical Issue Article: Digital Humanities”.

Before submission the authors should carefully read over the Instruction for Authors, available at:

All contributions will undergo critical peer-review before being accepted for publication.

Further questions about this thematic issue can be addressed to Further questions about this thematic issue can be addressed to Dr. Claire Clivaz, [log in to unmask]In case of technical or financial questions, please contact journal Managing Editor Dr. Katarzyna Tempczyk at [log in to unmask]

With best regards,

Lucas Gworek

Assistant Editor, Open Theology

T: +48 533 318 881

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