Dear Galicianists,

If you are attending the MLA Annual Conference 2019 in Chicago this week, or if you are in the US midwest these days, plese take a look at the Galician Studies session (January 6 2019, 10:15am). This session attempts to discuss the current situation of the Galician language, on the 35th anniversary of passing its Lei de Normalización Lingüística.

Session Information


1: Immigrant ‘New Speakers’ of Galician: Challenging Monolingual Normativity from the Bottom Up

Nicola Bermingham,  U of Liverpool

2: Galician in a Globalized World: Between a Declaration of Officiality and Inactivity in Linguistic Protection

Alba Nogueira-López,  U of Santiago de Compostela

3: Top-Down and Bottom-Up Language Policies in Galicia: Can School Alone Reverse Language Shift?

Gabriel Rei-Doval,  U of Wisconsin, Milwaukee


Gabriel Rei-Doval,  U of Wisconsin, Milwaukee


More information available at

Also, if you are in the Chicago area and want to take place in the MLA Galician Studies dinner, please let me know. We will get together for dinner on Saturday 5th in the evening in downtown Chicago.

Saudiña e beizóns,



New project: Viaxes sen Lee Galician-American self-fiction

************************************************************ The GALICIAN-STUDIES discussion list is administered by the Gonzalez-Millan Group for Galician Studies (GMGGS), the English-language section of the Asociacion Internacional de Estudios Galegos (AIEG). For more information about these groups, please contact the list owners. ************************************************************